Post 5
There our many characters that are mentioned in "Isis and Osiris", and this tale would not be the same with out them. The first character mentioned in my myth is Ra. Ra is an Egyptian god who is
Ra |
obsessed with power, at least in this story. He is willing and able to prevent a woman (my mother) from happiness in order to save the power that he holds over the Earth. The second character is my mother Nut, she is kind and caring and loves her children. Another character is Thoth. Thoth is the thrice-great god
Nut |
of wisdom, magic and learning,
Thoth |
he is Ra's son, and he loved my mother. He is brave and caring and loved my mother enough to try to protect her from any sorrow. The next character is Khonsu, the moon-god, he is honest, for when he looses a challenge or bet he sticks to his words and goes through on his promises. The fifth character is Osiris. Osiris is the first born of my siblings and my husband. He is an excellent ruler of the Earth, and proves it through his teachings and kindness towards his people. The next character, and my worst enemy, is my brother Seth, also known as dark Seth, the lord of evil. His life is ruled by jealousy and the evil acts he executes because of it. My younger sister Nephthys is the next character and the youngest of all of my siblings. She married my brother Seth but her heart could see his wrong doings so she left and came to help me with problems that had arisen at the time. The final character that plays an important role in this tale is my son Horus, Horus is much like his father. He lives to make is parents proud and avenge them if any evil is done to them. And of course I am also a character in this tale.
Osiris |
Seth |
Horus |
Nephthys |
Our family myths all revolve around similar things. I find it interesting.