Post 10
James Ewals: Dionysus: I learned that Dionysus should not have become a god but instead he should have been a demigod but because he was sewn into Zeus's leg before his birth he became a God; The God of Wine.
Summer : Aphrodite: I learned that Aphrodite's symbol is a dove because it is full of grace and beauty much like Aphrodite herself.
Natalie: Nut: I learned that Nut swallows the sun deity Ra, every night to make the sky dark and then has to rebirth him each day to give light back to the Earth.
Maggie: Xi- Wangmu: I learned that Xi- Wangmu has a religion that is associated with her called Taoism, and that her immortality peaches are a large symbol in that religion.
Katie: Freya: I learned that one of Freya's jobs is to ensure that all fallen warriors, who deserve it, go to Valhalla, to be at peace with Odin.
Abrianna: Lan-Caihe: I learned that the flowers she carry are more that what they appear to be, other than just a pretty accessory they also allow her to speak to the other gods.
Bailey: Hel: I learned that her symbol is a red rose because she wanted something pretty to represent her because she thought that she was not pretty herself.
Alicia: Loki: I learned that Loki Is not all alone he does actually have a family of his own despite how tense it may be. he has a daughter named Hel, and two sons Fenris (a wolf ), and Jormungand (a giant snake).
Grant: Odin: I learned Odin did not loose hos eye in a great battle but instead gave it up so he could drink from a spring that gave him great knowledge.
Mckenzie: Raven: I learned that Raven is told to have created the earth, he gave one large swoop of his wings and it came into existence.
Jaskrit: Krishna: I learned that Krishna has an interesting and uncommon weakness, which is that he can only be severely injured on the sole of his left foot.
Delaney: Nokomis: I leaned that Nokomis was not always a grandmother goddess but when she was younger she was actually the goddess of beauty. I also so learned that unlike most other gods she ages.
James Hohenlohe: Sun Wukong: I learned that Monkey is not just a trickster God to the Chinese people but he is actually celebrated and has a festival that is specificly for celebrating him and it is called The Monkey King Festival.
Savanna: Amentet: I Learned that she does not collect or judge the dead, instead she is kind to them and helps them through their transition into the underworld by giving the bread and water.
Meghan: Coyote: I learned that coyote is quite the loner; I say this because he really has no friends or family the only company he ever has are his enemies or people that he is trying to trick.
Lexi and Dani: Demeter and Persephone: I learned that Persephone must reside down in the underworld for half of the year (6 months) because she ate six of the pomegranate seeds that were given to her while she was down there. I also learned that Demeter has control over all of the seasons and over all that the earth can produces, when her daughter is down with Hades in the underworld she does not have the earth produce all of the food as well as it does when Persephone is with her which in turn causes our seasons.
Grace: Anubis: I learned that Anubis is the one who gets to really decide your fate because he has to weigh your heart on a scale with a feather and if it is heavier than the feather you can not enter the heavenly afterlife and are instead eaten.
Ethan: Pangue: I learned that Pangue is the creator of our Earth and that he was born from and egg that he lived and grew in for 18000 years which is surprising that it took that long since he is a giant that grows six feet each day.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Post 9
Osiris, then,went on to teach them laws, and how to live peacefully together. As soon as Egypt was filled with peace, my husband set out to bring his blessings to other nations. While he was away he left me to rule over Egypt.
But Seth, my brother, envied our power and desired to kill Osiris for he was the true ruler of the Earth. I, however, was so wise and watchful that Seth made no attempt to seize the throne while I was watching over the land. But in a strange act, when Osiris returned Seth was among the first to welcome him back.
Seth had already made his plans, and him, along with seventy-two of his wicked friends secretly gathered the exact measurements of Osiris's body, and created chest that would only fit him. Seth then, held a feast to honor Osiris. When Osiris was done feasting the chest was brought in, and all were amazed at its beauty.
"I will give this chest to whosoever fits it most exactly!" cried Seth. Everyone then began in to see if they would fit.
"Let me see if I will fit," said Osiris, and he got into the chest.
It fit him exactly and my husband cried with joy.
"It is yours indeed, and shall be so forever!" hissed Seth and he banged down the lid. Seth and his companions took the chest and through it into the Nile. It went to the Great Green Sea where it was sailed for many days until it came to the shore of Phoenicia. Here the waves cast it into a tamarisk tree that grew on the shore; and the tree's branches encircled it with leaves and flowers to make a fit resting place for the body of the good god Osiris.
Meanwhile in Egypt I was terrified. I had known that Seth was filled with evil and jealousy. But I knew as soon as my husband was dead, and my son and I fled to the delta. I found shelter on a little island, and entrusted my child into the goddess's, that lived there, care.
After that I went to find Osiris's body.
I wandered back and forth over the land of Egypt , but never found a trace of the chest. I asked everyone I met, but no one had seen it.
Then I asked the children who were playing by the riverside, and they told me that a chest had floated past them on a stream and out into the Great Green Sea.
Then I continued walking on the shore, and again it was the children who had seen the chest floating by and told me which way it had gone.
I then arrived at Byblos and sat down by the seashore. At the time the maidens who tended to Queen Astarte came down to bathe; and when they came out of the water I taught them how to plait their hair. When they returned to the palace a wonderful perfume seemed to surround them; and Queen Astarte loved it, and at their plaited hair, and asked them how it came to be so.
The maidens told her of the wonderful woman who sat by the seashore, and Queen Astarte sent for me, and asked me to serve in the palace and take care of her child, for she did not know that the strange woman was I: the greatest goddess in all of Egypt. I agreed, and helped the child become healthy and strong. But I became fond of the child, and wanted to make him immortal, which I did by burning away his mortal parts. Astarte, however, was watching me; and when she saw that her baby looked to be on fire she rushed into the room with a loud cry, and broke the magic.
I then took on my normal form, and Astarte crouched down in terror when she saw me and learned who I really was.
Malcander and Astarte offered me many gifts, but I only asked for the great tamarisk pillar which held up the roof (and for what it contained). When they gave it to me, I opened it and took out the chest. Then I gave it back to Malcander and Astarte.
I had the chest placed on a ship which then set out for Egypt.
When I got back to Egypt, and hid the chest in the marshes of the delta.
But Seth came hunting that night, and by the moon's light he saw the chest and recognized it.
At the sight of it hatred and anger surrounded him. He tore open the chest, took my husband's body, and ripped it into fourteen pieces which, he then scattered up and down the Nile.
Now, devastated, I had to begin my search once more. This time though, I had helpers, Nephthys (she left my wicked brother Seth and came to join me), and Anubis, the son of my husband and my sister, both assisted me in my search. When I traveled over the land I was accompanied (and guarded) by seven scorpions.
Slowly, piece by piece, I finally found the pieces of my husband.
Though I found many pieces I never could recover one of them, for it had been eaten. I, however, did not bury any of the pieces. I gathered the pieces together, rejoined them by magic, and by magic made a likeness of the missing member so that Osiris was complete. Then I hid the body away in a secret place.
As my son grew older my husband's spirit visited him and taught him all that a great warrior should know.
Encouraged by his father Horus built up an army and declared war on Seth. Ra was helping my son in his struggle but accidentally distracted him and Seth ( transformed in too a flying pig) swooped in for the kill. Seth aimed a blow of fire at Horus's eyes; and Horus shouted with the pain and got incredibly angry. He knew now, that it was Seth; but Seth had gone could not be trapped.
There were many battles in the war, but the last and greatest was at Edfu. The forces of Seth and Horus drew near to one another among the islands and the rapids of the Nile. Seth, in the form of a huge red hippo, jumped up on the island and uttered a great curse against Horus and against I. This curse caused a great flood. Though their was a terrible storm looming over Horus he held on his way, his own boat shining through the darkness.
Opposite Edfu, Seth turned and stood at bay, straddling the whole stream of the Nile. But Horus transformed himself into a handsome young man. He held a harpoon thirty feet long with a blade six feet wide at its point of greatest width.
Seth opened his mighty jaws to destroy Horus, but Horus cast his harpoon, and it struck into Seth's head. And that one blow Seth the great wicked one, sank beneath the Nile at Edfu; dead. The storm passed away, the flood sank and the sky was clear and blue once more.
But when Horus passed from earth, he appeared before the assembly of the gods, with Seth who came in spirit, and contended for the rule of the world. But not even Thoth could give judgment. And so Horus and Seth still contend for the power to rule the world.
There were no more battles on the Nile or in the land of Egypt; and my husband rested in his grave, And I lived on the island of Philae, the most sacred place of all, in the Nile.
The Story of Isis and Osiris
When Osiris had grown up he married me. Osiris and I became the sole rulers of Egypt and ruled over the earth. while ruling the earth and taking care of my people I discovered the grains; wheat and barley, which grew over the land with the other plants that were undiscovered by man; and Osiris then taught the people how to plant their seeds. He taught them how to tend and water the crops; how to cut the corn when it was ripe, and how to thresh the grain on the threshing floors, dry it and grind it to flour and make it into bread. He also showed them how to plant vines and make the grapes into wine.Osiris, then,went on to teach them laws, and how to live peacefully together. As soon as Egypt was filled with peace, my husband set out to bring his blessings to other nations. While he was away he left me to rule over Egypt.
But Seth, my brother, envied our power and desired to kill Osiris for he was the true ruler of the Earth. I, however, was so wise and watchful that Seth made no attempt to seize the throne while I was watching over the land. But in a strange act, when Osiris returned Seth was among the first to welcome him back.
Seth had already made his plans, and him, along with seventy-two of his wicked friends secretly gathered the exact measurements of Osiris's body, and created chest that would only fit him. Seth then, held a feast to honor Osiris. When Osiris was done feasting the chest was brought in, and all were amazed at its beauty.
"I will give this chest to whosoever fits it most exactly!" cried Seth. Everyone then began in to see if they would fit.
"Let me see if I will fit," said Osiris, and he got into the chest.
It fit him exactly and my husband cried with joy.
"It is yours indeed, and shall be so forever!" hissed Seth and he banged down the lid. Seth and his companions took the chest and through it into the Nile. It went to the Great Green Sea where it was sailed for many days until it came to the shore of Phoenicia. Here the waves cast it into a tamarisk tree that grew on the shore; and the tree's branches encircled it with leaves and flowers to make a fit resting place for the body of the good god Osiris.
Meanwhile in Egypt I was terrified. I had known that Seth was filled with evil and jealousy. But I knew as soon as my husband was dead, and my son and I fled to the delta. I found shelter on a little island, and entrusted my child into the goddess's, that lived there, care.
After that I went to find Osiris's body.
I wandered back and forth over the land of Egypt , but never found a trace of the chest. I asked everyone I met, but no one had seen it.
Then I asked the children who were playing by the riverside, and they told me that a chest had floated past them on a stream and out into the Great Green Sea.
Then I continued walking on the shore, and again it was the children who had seen the chest floating by and told me which way it had gone.
I then arrived at Byblos and sat down by the seashore. At the time the maidens who tended to Queen Astarte came down to bathe; and when they came out of the water I taught them how to plait their hair. When they returned to the palace a wonderful perfume seemed to surround them; and Queen Astarte loved it, and at their plaited hair, and asked them how it came to be so.
The maidens told her of the wonderful woman who sat by the seashore, and Queen Astarte sent for me, and asked me to serve in the palace and take care of her child, for she did not know that the strange woman was I: the greatest goddess in all of Egypt. I agreed, and helped the child become healthy and strong. But I became fond of the child, and wanted to make him immortal, which I did by burning away his mortal parts. Astarte, however, was watching me; and when she saw that her baby looked to be on fire she rushed into the room with a loud cry, and broke the magic.
I then took on my normal form, and Astarte crouched down in terror when she saw me and learned who I really was.
Malcander and Astarte offered me many gifts, but I only asked for the great tamarisk pillar which held up the roof (and for what it contained). When they gave it to me, I opened it and took out the chest. Then I gave it back to Malcander and Astarte.
I had the chest placed on a ship which then set out for Egypt.
When I got back to Egypt, and hid the chest in the marshes of the delta.
But Seth came hunting that night, and by the moon's light he saw the chest and recognized it.
At the sight of it hatred and anger surrounded him. He tore open the chest, took my husband's body, and ripped it into fourteen pieces which, he then scattered up and down the Nile.
Now, devastated, I had to begin my search once more. This time though, I had helpers, Nephthys (she left my wicked brother Seth and came to join me), and Anubis, the son of my husband and my sister, both assisted me in my search. When I traveled over the land I was accompanied (and guarded) by seven scorpions.
Slowly, piece by piece, I finally found the pieces of my husband.
Though I found many pieces I never could recover one of them, for it had been eaten. I, however, did not bury any of the pieces. I gathered the pieces together, rejoined them by magic, and by magic made a likeness of the missing member so that Osiris was complete. Then I hid the body away in a secret place.
As my son grew older my husband's spirit visited him and taught him all that a great warrior should know.
Encouraged by his father Horus built up an army and declared war on Seth. Ra was helping my son in his struggle but accidentally distracted him and Seth ( transformed in too a flying pig) swooped in for the kill. Seth aimed a blow of fire at Horus's eyes; and Horus shouted with the pain and got incredibly angry. He knew now, that it was Seth; but Seth had gone could not be trapped.
There were many battles in the war, but the last and greatest was at Edfu. The forces of Seth and Horus drew near to one another among the islands and the rapids of the Nile. Seth, in the form of a huge red hippo, jumped up on the island and uttered a great curse against Horus and against I. This curse caused a great flood. Though their was a terrible storm looming over Horus he held on his way, his own boat shining through the darkness.
Opposite Edfu, Seth turned and stood at bay, straddling the whole stream of the Nile. But Horus transformed himself into a handsome young man. He held a harpoon thirty feet long with a blade six feet wide at its point of greatest width.
Seth opened his mighty jaws to destroy Horus, but Horus cast his harpoon, and it struck into Seth's head. And that one blow Seth the great wicked one, sank beneath the Nile at Edfu; dead. The storm passed away, the flood sank and the sky was clear and blue once more.
But when Horus passed from earth, he appeared before the assembly of the gods, with Seth who came in spirit, and contended for the rule of the world. But not even Thoth could give judgment. And so Horus and Seth still contend for the power to rule the world.
There were no more battles on the Nile or in the land of Egypt; and my husband rested in his grave, And I lived on the island of Philae, the most sacred place of all, in the Nile.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Post 8
Though the war between my brother and son was terrible and bloody, after many years it was finally resolved. My story's conflict was fully resolved when my son defeated the man that killed his father, and this cry of victory filled the ears of many, "Glory to Horus of the mighty blow, the brave one, the slayer, the wielder of the Harpoon, the only son of Osiris, Horus of Edfu, Horus the avenger!" But even with Horus's victory not everything turned out the way he had planned, he and Seth ( in spirit form) appeared before the assembly of the gods. They then contended in words for the rule of the world. But not even Thoth the wise could give judgment. And so it comes about that Horus and Seth still contend for the souls of men and for the rule of the world.
There were no more battles on the Nile or in the land of Egypt; and my husband rested quietly in his grave. I now lived was on the island of Philae, the most sacred place of all, in the Nile a few miles upstream from Elephantine. But my people believed that the Last Battle was still to come - and that Horus would defeat Seth in this also. And then when Seth was destroyed forever, my husband would rise from the dead and return to earth, bringing with him all those who had been his own faithful followers. And for this reason the Egyptians embalmed dead and set the bodies away beneath towering pyramids of stone and deep in the tomb chambers of western Thebes, so that the blessed souls returning from Amenti should find them ready to enter again, and in them to live for ever on earth under the good god Osiris, me, his queen and our son Horus.
Though the war between my brother and son was terrible and bloody, after many years it was finally resolved. My story's conflict was fully resolved when my son defeated the man that killed his father, and this cry of victory filled the ears of many, "Glory to Horus of the mighty blow, the brave one, the slayer, the wielder of the Harpoon, the only son of Osiris, Horus of Edfu, Horus the avenger!" But even with Horus's victory not everything turned out the way he had planned, he and Seth ( in spirit form) appeared before the assembly of the gods. They then contended in words for the rule of the world. But not even Thoth the wise could give judgment. And so it comes about that Horus and Seth still contend for the souls of men and for the rule of the world.
There were no more battles on the Nile or in the land of Egypt; and my husband rested quietly in his grave. I now lived was on the island of Philae, the most sacred place of all, in the Nile a few miles upstream from Elephantine. But my people believed that the Last Battle was still to come - and that Horus would defeat Seth in this also. And then when Seth was destroyed forever, my husband would rise from the dead and return to earth, bringing with him all those who had been his own faithful followers. And for this reason the Egyptians embalmed dead and set the bodies away beneath towering pyramids of stone and deep in the tomb chambers of western Thebes, so that the blessed souls returning from Amenti should find them ready to enter again, and in them to live for ever on earth under the good god Osiris, me, his queen and our son Horus.
The pyramids where the Egyptians buried their dead. |
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Post 7
The climax of my myth is the fight between my son Horus and my brother Seth. Horus, being his honorable self, took it upon him self to avenge his father by defeating the one that had killed him, through a terrible war. There were many battles during this war and many terrible acts of violence to come with them. It was a bloody war with harsh attacks against members of my family but in the end my son Horus became the victor. But when Horus passed from earth, he appeared before the assembly of the gods, along with Seth, and contended in words for the rule of the world. But not even Thoth the wise could give judgment. And so it comes about that Horus and Seth still contend for the souls of men and for the rule of the world.
Seth and Horus Preparing for Battle |
The Battle Between Seth and Horus |
Monday, February 9, 2015
Post 6
Like many others my story too has a conflict, though what makes my conflict different from others is the fact that it is between my brother Seth (set) and I. What drives the conflict between us is my brothers jealousy of my life and my husband's life. We were the two most powerful gods of Egypt and had everything we ever wanted at our finger tips, but we were good and true leaders. Because of our success and power over our world Seth became angry, jealous, and he desired what we had to be his own. this jealousy drove him to do something unforgivable: to kill my husband Osiris.
Seth |
The Battle between Horus and Seth |
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Post 5
There our many characters that are mentioned in "Isis and Osiris", and this tale would not be the same with out them. The first character mentioned in my myth is Ra. Ra is an Egyptian god who is
obsessed with power, at least in this story. He is willing and able to prevent a woman (my mother) from happiness in order to save the power that he holds over the Earth. The second character is my mother Nut, she is kind and caring and loves her children. Another character is Thoth. Thoth is the thrice-great god
of wisdom, magic and learning,
he is Ra's son, and he loved my mother. He is brave and caring and loved my mother enough to try to protect her from any sorrow. The next character is Khonsu, the moon-god, he is honest, for when he looses a challenge or bet he sticks to his words and goes through on his promises. The fifth character is Osiris. Osiris is the first born of my siblings and my husband. He is an excellent ruler of the Earth, and proves it through his teachings and kindness towards his people. The next character, and my worst enemy, is my brother Seth, also known as dark Seth, the lord of evil. His life is ruled by jealousy and the evil acts he executes because of it. My younger sister Nephthys is the next character and the youngest of all of my siblings. She married my brother Seth but her heart could see his wrong doings so she left and came to help me with problems that had arisen at the time. The final character that plays an important role in this tale is my son Horus, Horus is much like his father. He lives to make is parents proud and avenge them if any evil is done to them. And of course I am also a character in this tale.
There our many characters that are mentioned in "Isis and Osiris", and this tale would not be the same with out them. The first character mentioned in my myth is Ra. Ra is an Egyptian god who is
Ra |
Nut |
Thoth |
Osiris |
Seth |
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Post 4
Monday, February 2, 2015
Post 3
One of the main cultural references I am found in are the D.C. comics, which are comic books that were first created in 1934. I am
a super-hero named Andrea Thomas who receives powers from me to fight evil. I was
originally created for The Secrets of Isis, a television series aired
as part of The Shazam!/Isis Hour on CBS. During 52 a version of the
character named Andranna Tomaz was introduced into the DC Comic Universe.
The character that is based on me, in the comics "The Mighty Isis" is closely modeled after the main character in my T.V. show. In The Secrets of Isis, a young girl named Andrea Thomas is featured. She
discovers an ancient Egyptian amulet while on an archaeological expedition.
Through the amulet, Andrea was given super strength, super speed, the power of
flight, and a form of telekinesis. Andrea
literally transformed into a new superhero, the inimitable Isis. The heroine received her powers from an ancient legendary
source, me, the Egyptian goddess Isis, by intoning the magic words, "Oh mighty
Isis!". This show ran from 1975-1977.
The Comic Book |
Another Cultural referene that I am in is a statuette of my son Horus and I, which is in The Metroplolitan Museum of Art. It is probably the most famous figure that represents me. For the ancient Egyptians, the image of me suckling my son Horus was a powerful symbol of rebirth. On my head is the throne hieroglyph that represents my name. I also wear a vulture head-covering reserved for queens and goddesses. Following ancient conventions for indicating childhood, Horus is naked and wears a single lock of hair on the right side of his head.
Statuette of Isis and Horus, Ptolemaic Period, ca. 304–30 b.c. |
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